The Manifest Celebrates Career Options Africa Group as one of the Most-Reviewed Global Payroll Companies

Outsourcing is a billion-dollar industry thanks to the amazing possibilities and solutions that it can provide. Many companies and businesses partner with outsourcing agencies to help with their projects, and processes, and even outsource a whole team for their services and products. Find out more about this industry and more by teaming up with us, Career Options Africa Group! 

Established in 2003 in Kenya, Career Options Africa Ltd. is one of the leading HR consulting firms in nine African nations. We are a top executive search firm for local talent, with specializations in hiring, HR outsourcing, and immigration assistance.  We also offer PEO services for a range of business requirements. 

With our own locally registered organizations, offices, and employees in nine African countries—Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Nigeria, South Africa, and South Sudan—we are Africa's largest on-ground HR agency. 

Today, our team is proud to share with all of you that we’ve been recently named one of the most-reviewed global payroll companies by The Manifest! This recognition means a lot to us and we are honored to be part of this prestigious list. 

In case you are wondering, The Manifest is a business blog website that showcases leading agencies from all over the world. Their goal is to gather and verify the hard data, expert insights, and actionable advice that you need to build your brand and grow your business – to provide the practical business wisdom that manifests in your success 

This award wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our clients! Thank you for always trusting us with your business.  

If you are interested in learning more about our services and solutions, then feel free to give us a call! We'll do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. 

Outsourced Payroll Processing and Management in Kenya