HR Outsourcing services

HR Outsourcing services

Human Resources

Career Options Africa Group is an astute Human Resource (HR)Outsourcing in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo and recently launched operations in Nigeria and South Africa

This article seeks to prospect the issues surrounding Human Resource outsourcing services for multinationals companies seeking to enter the African markets as opposed to Human Resource Outsourcing services for local companies.

Unlike local companies seeking to outsource their HR functions and therefore seeking more of an external HR department, international companies are seeking not just a HR function provider but an expert in local labor, immigration, taxation and business law and environment

Since its not possible for a multinational company to have a registered branch in every market they enter or sell their products or services especially in the initial years of operation, Career Options Africa Group has strategically positioned and equipped itself to play host to the local team of staff by recruiting them, facilitating their work permits, and facilitating their operations.

Other range of services we offer include;

  • Professional employer services.
  • Professional employer service for local staff
  • Housing for expatriate
  • Provision of office space for all staff
  • Staff transport services through leased vehicle or car hire services.
  • Identifying and paying school fees for expatriates’ children.

In the midst of ever-changing market dynamics, it’s expected that HR outsourcing service providers must stay abreast with these needs of international companies and continuously enhance their service offering so as to be a one stop center for HR and business outsourcing for international companies.

That is why at Career Options Africa Group, we continue to invest in the best HR software, expertise and regional partnership that enables us to deliver fast, friendly, efficient and fully customized HR outsourcing services to any international company in any sector or industry anywhere in Africa.

Different forms of human resource outsourcing and outsourcing agencies